Monday, July 1, 2013

July Currently and First Movie

I can't believe this is July already!  As long as this month goes slow..I'm ok with it being July.  I think I am going to have daughter's birthday party at the of this month instead of August.  Her birthday is August 9 but August is a busy month.  I start going back to my classroom, in service days, getting ready for the first day of school, it seems like everyone's birthday is in August. So I don't have to worry about it interfering with anything I'm thinking the last weekend of July.

If you would like to join on the Currently here is a link to Farley's page.

Currently time
This is the first time in probably about a week my daughter has taken a nap.  She just refuses to so I'm a happy mama right now.  I need my down time too!
I know summer started a three weeks ago but a week in there I was teaching a science camp.  So I have only had two weeks of summer and it is just nice to know that tomorrow morning my alarm won't be going off.  Unless my daughter decides to get up early.
I'm really trying to turn my brain off about anything related to school but it is hard because I am so excited about teaching first grade next year.  I'm having a hard time trying to arrange my classroom.  I really have only one wall. One wall has two closets, counter top, and sink, second wall is where the whiteboard and bulletin boards are, and the third wall is where the door, cabinets, and my book shelf for my library is. Which really only leaves me one wall and I think I am going to have to put my computers there which takes up half of the wall.  Plus not  knowing exactly how I want my classroom to run, it is hard to imagine where to put everything.  I think I need someone who has been a first grade teacher to come help me.  Once I get back into my classroom I will show what the room looks like.
I want a massage...I have this knot next to my right shoulder blade.  My husband tries to massage it for me..which helps but I think that is where all my stress goes because it seems to always be there.  So I think I need to see a massage therapist on a weekly basis.  Now if I had the money and knew a good one.
Laundry..I hate it!  enough said.
Tips, tricks, or hints..I couldn't think of anything...I'm not really good at this blogging thing and I don't sell or create many things.  I don't have the time.  But whatever it is that you are doing just enjoy it!
Today we took my daughter to her first movie.  She has been asking us to see this movie since the previews came on TV.  Monster's University
We did not eat the whole bucket of popcorn.  We lasted through the whole movie, which I was afraid we won't it.  She did ask at one point if we could leave.  I think she was tired of sitting.  She would go back and forth between sitting in her chair, sitting on my lap, or standing. 
I have decided to do this photo challenge for July
If you want to join in on the action go to the link below.
Texas Women Bloggers
Itty Bitty


  1. How cute is your little girl? Great job on lasting the whole movie - it is hard for little ones. I can't wait to see Monsters U

  2. Even though the whole bucket of popcorn wasn't eaten, it made a GREAT picture! It's funny, on my currently I said the same thing in the Loving section, I truly enjoy Sundays right now! Paula @

  3. I love your tip about enjoying yourself. It's so true! I think, even though teachers get a summer break, it's still hard for us to relax because we're thinking about the next school year before the last one has even ended!
